Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Message from Greg J....

Just got off the phone with Jim. He requests no meals at this time, but notes that there will come a time in the near future when meals are needed. When we turn this spigot on, please be prepared to join the queue as preferred by their schedule.
While Jim requests that calls to the home are not desired (home phone message box is full), please continue/commence with note cards and e-mail messages of care and affirmation. You may copy both Jim and Virginia on e-mails. As I am confident you will, please send messages which require no responses or answers to medical questions.
We need to spread the word to all to send notes and cards to Daniel at Young Harris. It will be uplifting for him to receive a steady stream of cards in his campus post office box. Later today Jim will provide me with his direct campus address, which we will share with you. Please request address from "webmaster [at]" with subject: "Address for Daniel."
Thank you for your continued prayer and support. Jim and Virginia are lifted each day by your demonstrations of love and care.

Warmest Regards,

1 comment:

  1. This is an unbelievably hard ordeal for the Sowells and we are praying for a miracle!
    God Bless Thomas and the Sowells!
